
世界聚焦“陆家嘴时间”and high-quality development.At this moment, the world's attention is focused on Lujiazui. How should countries promote economic growth, and what development signals will China convey? The world holds its breath in anticipation.当时间的指针再一次拨向6月,“陆家嘴时间”悄然而至。6月等我继续说。

双响报丨山东“神射手”齐迎:没有大流量的世界第二,亚洲第一当地时间7月30日,在巴黎奥运会飞碟男子多向决赛中,首次参加奥运会的山东省选手齐迎获得银牌,创造了中国队选手在该项目上的奥运会最好成绩。On July 30th local time, at the skeet shooting men's final in the Paris Olympics, Qi Ying from Shandong Province, who was competing in the 等会说。


双响报丨侯志慧:既是活泼“小猴子”,也是沉稳大力士当地时间8月7日,在巴黎奥运会举重女子49公斤级决赛中,侯志慧夺得冠军。她的挺举成绩刷新了此前由自己创造的奥运会纪录!On August 7th local time, in the women's 49kg weightlifting final at the Paris Olympics, Hou Zhihui won the championship. Her clean and jerk lift broke the Olympic是什么。


